Jeopardy Typo

In yet another sign of the impending apocalypse, today there is a typo in my Jeopardy calendar.

Jeopardy Calendar Typo

Posted on April 30, 2007
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  1. n/m. was reading the answer not the category.

    for shame…

  2. At least they spelled Jeopardy right!

    Did you look through the rest of the days to see if they spelled said word wrong on all the days with the same category?

    Even Geniuses have off days.

    What are you wearing to my wedding?

  3. The other days had the category name spelled right.

    I haven’t thought about what to wear – I didn’t think it really mattered ;). Do you have a preference?

  4. I prefer that you wear clothes. I think that just about covers it though. Maybe no giant banana or bunny costumes. Hmm, I don’t think I would like it if you wore a motorcycle helmet or a suit of armor either although it would lend you some ‘mystery.’ I suppose that a loincloth would be ok but it might get a little chilly. :-/ I’ll have to think about this one!


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