1 Year

One year ago I created this web site with the goals of creating something that might be interesting enough to read and to take over the #1 Google search result for my name. I'm not unbiased enough to comment on the first goal, but I can gauge the success of the second:

In fact, as an added bonus due to some blog posts and a magazine article I wrote for work, now 9 out of the top 10 and 43 out of the top 50 Google search results for my name are related to me. Sweet. I don't think I have to worry that somebody searching for me will find the wrong person any more.

It's also interesting to check out the Analytics stats for the past year (which, somewhat significantly, do not include RSS readers):

Daily pageviews:

efaller.com pageviews


  • 200 pageviews per day? Not enough for AdSense 🙁 (not that I would anyway)

Hits by Browser/OS combination:

efaller.com browser/OS combinations


  • Since 90% of the hits to my site are referred by random Google Image Search (images.google.com) queries, this mix of hits might actually partially represent a statistically random sample, combined with the people who know me.
  • One wonders, who are those 53% of people who still use IE?
  • Mac OS X at 11.5% is a pretty strong showing.
  • So much for Linux on the desktop. (0.85%?)

Search engine keyword hits:

efaller.com search hits


  • It's nice to see that Jehovah's Witness propaganda is still 2x more popular than me (and, alas, the end of false religion still has not come).
Posted on June 2, 2007
Comments (5) Trackbacks (0)
  1. I contributed significantly to those 152 visits from the keyword hit “eric faller” I should just bookmark your blog but I keep forgetting.. maybe I’ll do it now! Simon always gets here before me and tells me all the interesting stuff you talk about.. missing one of your blog entries is like missing a really great tv show! Thanks for making it to our wedding btw!! It was AWESOME to see you! Oh! and thanks for dancing with me to!! Watch out ladies, Eric has some moves! 😉

  2. yay! i think #1 is true anyway

  3. Congratulations on your first year!

    Any idea of the geographical make-up of your daily hits? I suppose most of them would be Seattle or Colorado based, but you might be getting a following elsewhere…

  4. Unfortunately the new Google Analytics doesn’t seem to have the ‘map overlay’ feature that shows you a map of where all your hits are coming from, otherwise I would post it. But before they switched, most of the hits were coming from Seattle and Colorado, though there were a lot of random hits from all over the world as people type in weird Google queries and find this site. But I didn’t see any clusters indicating some sort of a following.

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