Eyeball Security Camera

As many people noted, the Eyeball Security System is very vulnerable to attack since it can easily be turned off or unplugged, rendering it useless. Little did they know, that was all part of the plan!

You see, the actual tripwire alarm is just a decoy, and is just one part of the whole system. Most people see only the alarm and completely miss the webcam conveniently positioned to catch them in the act of stealing the eyeballs or trying to disable the alarm:

Eyeball security system webcam

The webcam caught many people red-handed, though eventually its presence was discovered and disclosed to other would-be thieves.

Here's a YouTube video of the interesting bits of the security camera footage:

Posted on July 22, 2007
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  1. Your wallmonster has begun to take up a fair amount of space…Does anyone care? Does the wallmonster have any foes (or predators)?

  2. Yes – as we can see in the video, the wallmonster has many foes which like to prey on its eyes. 😛

  3. Excellent stuff! Loved the video.

    Here’s my security system. Coat the bottom of the eyeballs in superglue and stick them down. Coat the rest of the eyeballs in treacle. Set up the camera as usual.

  4. (looks up treacle in a British-To-English dictionary, “oh, molasses”..)

    I’ve been thinking that coating them in something sticky or slimy (like vaseline) would probably be the best way to get people to actually stop stealing them, but that would take half the fun away wouldn’t it?

    Not sure about supergluing them to the fire extinguisher box there, don’t want to get in trouble for defacing corporate property 🙂

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