Zero stars

Whenever I see this apartment ad on the way to work I think, "wow, zero out of five stars, why would they advertise that?"

Fairwinds Redmond advertisement

Obviously they're trying to say that it's a "five-star" apartment, but in the age of Amazon starred reviews and iTunes ratings, the "outlined star" symbol has come to mean "empty star" or "missing star". Interesting to think about..

Amazon stars

Posted on August 8, 2007
Comments (10) Trackbacks (0)
  1. did you pick that book for a reason?

  2. No, I was just browsing Amazon for the first book I could find with 3 or less stars and that was on the front page.

  3. It would be an interesting world if each of us had the star rating system following our names in print, or on our clothing so that others would know if we were worth knowing…

  4. Hmm yeah that might be interesting as an experiment. Sort of like how gamers on XBox Live have the five-star rating system for each others’ “reputations”.

  5. Wonder who would provide the ratings in this scenario? You know the system would likely become corrupt pretty quickly…people buying ratings and such. That is, unless I am in charge…

  6. Global domination! Just kidding…

    Well, now you had to get all technical and spoil it. 🙂

  7. Nope…I’m just nosing around your blog. I hope that’s okay. (but if it’s invitation only, just let me know and I’ll stop crashing!)

  8. No, no that’s totally fine. I was just curious since I didn’t recognize your name 🙂

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