Stocking Up

Three Extra Copies of Windows XP

Less than one week left!

Now I'm starting to wonder: will three extra copies be enough?

Posted on June 23, 2008
Comments (9) Trackbacks (0)
  1. I thought the company store stopped selling XP a while back. You’re not so desperate you’re going to pay retail, are you?!? 😉

  2. No I wouldn’t pay retail! I actually ordered from the online store these a couple of weeks ago and just got around to putting up a picture. Looks like you caught me 🙂

  3. You are a lucky man…Some of us can’t afford to stock up on what could be the last decent Windows OS.

  4. How can it be the last decent Windows OS when there has yet to be a first decent? 😉

  5. Post more! What am I supposed to read when I’m bored at work?! 🙂

  6. Perhaps, work-related materials? 🙂

  7. Is that what YOU do at work?

  8. That’s what I thought. Amber 1, Eric 0.

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