Bad Sign

Paratex Pest Control pen at Red Robin in Redmond, Washington

Hmm, is it a bad sign if you're at a restaurant and the pen they give you to sign the check is from a local pest control company?

Posted on November 9, 2008
Filed under: General, Humor Leave a comment
Comments (9) Trackbacks (0)
  1. At least you know they control their pests… 😉

  2. Hmm good point. I guess it could be worse

  3. Eww, gross. What restaurant was this?

  4. This is why I eat at home so often…

  5. I’m afraid that you ingested something horrible when you are there, because you haven’t posted here in weeks!

  6. I meant WERE there, not are there…sheesh…

  7. Makes you wonder what’s in their special burgers that makes them taste so darn good!

  8. Sorry about that – I’ve just been super-busy lately with two classes, work and a new secret project (about which more soon). Only one more week of classes and I’ll have a lot more free time to post here again 🙂

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