
UPDATE: Success! After 3.5 days, here are the Google results for 'piratizer':

Piratizer search results on Google

A sneak preview of Piratizer in action is coming soon :).


Wouldn't it be cool if you could take a picture of your friends with your iPhone and it would recognize their faces and automatically turn them into pirates? A couple of my friends and I thought it would, so we got to work on a new iPhone app called Piratizer.

The app is still weeks away from being complete, so the site is currently only a teaser. When it does launch, it's important that the number one web search result for "piratizer" returns our site rather than any of the random things it returns right now. To make that happen we need to seed the web with links to the Piratizer iPhone app web site several weeks in advance.

In case you haven't figured it out, that's what this post is about :). If you're a human reading this, then you can move along - there's not much to see here. If you're a crawlbot, welcome! Please crawl all the links in this post, particularly the ones to piratizer.com.

Piratizer iPhone App Logo

Posted on February 14, 2009
Comments (8) Trackbacks (0)
  1. lol thanks :). Except WordPress puts rel=”nofollow” on links in comments, so as to avoid spam.

  2. Hey is it going to work on photos that you upload onto your i-whatever? or just photos you take with your i-phone?

  3. Yep it’ll work on photos you have in your photo library, but the fun part will be taking pics on the fly when you’re out with friends.

  4. Any idea how effective it will be on animals (i.e. my cat)?

  5. So far the face recognizer can recognize some pictures of dogs, but I haven’t seen it work on cats yet. If it doesn’t automatically work, it’s easy to drag and rotate the pirate gear into the appropriate positions on your cat.

  6. Ahoy! ARGH! GRRR! ::insert other pirate sounds here::

    Sounds great! I definitely want to see some Pirate Kitties…

  7. Whoever wrote this and masterminded the advertising campaign for Piratizer is pure genius. Make sure to have pictures of everyone who made this Piratized on the homepage!

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