Staff Favorite

My parents noticed this today on iTunes and sent it along:

CubeCheater is a Staff Favorite on the iTunes iPhone App Store

CubeCheater is a Staff Favorite today (and maybe all week - I'm not sure how this process works yet)! An unknown Apple employee has smiled upon my app, which is exciting (it's tempting to assume it's Steve Jobs himself, but that's of course extremely unlikely).

It'll be interesting to see how this affects sales. For the most part, I personally get apps directly on my phone rather than through iTunes on the computer, so I'm not browsing the Staff Favorites very often. Getting onto the "Featured" or "What's Hot" lists would probably be more beneficial since those lists are browsable on the device itself.

Posted on March 3, 2009
Comments (2) Trackbacks (0)
  1. Sooooooooooooooooo, give us an update on the Piratizer already!

    What have you been up to?!

  2. Sorry! I’ve been in China and Japan for two weeks. I just got back. I’ll post up some pictures and write more later when I’m not jetlagged.

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CubeCheater Piratizer



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