
Today I graduated with a Master's degree in Computer Science & Engineering from the University of Washington. It's been a long ride since I decided to enroll two years ago. I've been super-busy with school as well as a full-time job the whole time.

I'm glad to be finished though! Now I'll have time for a little break before moving on to the next stage of my life.

I have instructed my friends to call me "Master Eric" now, but for some reason it doesn't seem to be catching on...

I don't have the actual diploma yet, but I did get this fancy business card holder:

University of Washington business card holder

Posted on June 13, 2009
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  1. Eric, I tried to e-mail my congratulations but the e-mail didn’t go through. Perhaps I don’t have the correct address. Anyway, I am very proud of you. Mimi

  2. Congrats! Hmm, I might have called you Master if you had called me it at some point since 2004…

  3. Master Ric! congrats… yeah i tried to mount the same Master Ko campaign, but that didnt seem to catch on either.

  4. Master Eric! Way to go! It truly is a challenge to work full-time and go to school so you should be feeling pretty proud. I mean, sometimes just working full-time can be a challenge!

    So, congratulations! What will you do next?!

  5. I don’t know yet, but there are lots of options! Need to figure out what they all are first.

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