
The first hint that something was wrong should have been the clear blue skies improbably showing up in photos of Seattle... zing.
Seattle real-estate agents caught photoshopping hundreds of home pictures with identical fake skies

I'm thinking about a trip to Rio de Janeiro in March for the Carnival. Looking for someone else to go with - anyone interested?
Brazilian Carnaval - Rio de Janeiro
This is a small sample of the Carnaval samba parade in Rio de Janeiro. It covers one out of the 14 parades to happen during two days and flashes of some of the other 13 parades. NOTE: No arrogant or derogatory remarks, please. They will be promptly removed.

overheard: "Try googling it on Bing"

Sara Bareilles concert [HD]

Left my sunglasses in your car lol. Will sort that out later if you can keep them safe for a little while :). Thanks for driving again man.

Awesome, this restaurant has crayons!

Just discovered that 'software engineer' translates as 'softwareentwickler' in German. Work info: updated.

More awesome than you would expect
"Enter Telephone"
Lady Gaga + Metallica remix

Sweet - I finally got a custom build of the iphone app with my changes running on my actual phone. Man, that is an incredibly tedious process. Huge thanks to Eric Faller for the help.

Piratizer Photos

You're probably going to have to get used to this being in differential at some point.
Profile Pictures

Burning Man 2010 (SFW subset)
105 new photos

RV + Subway parking lot + awkward parking = Great story

Hey!!! Why aren't you ever on fb chat anymore?!?!!?

Crater lake
5 new photos

They see me rollin'...

Now you can pay me the money you promised if I went through the name change.

test status update from built in kindle web browser. works surprisingly well.

$ ls
ImportantFile.php UnimportantFile.php
$ mkdir subdir
$ mv ImportantFile.php sbudir
$ mv UnimportantFile.php sbudir
$ ls subdir
total: 0
$ ls
sbudir subdir
FFFFFUUUUUUUUUUU: command not found

Just came across a variable named "stuff". Yeah.

My awesome new Burning Man wheels.

North Korea reportedly joins Facebook
North Korea appears to have added Facebook to other social networking sites it recently joined to ramp up its propaganda war against South Korea and the U.S.

Haight-Ashbury is great for purchasing large amounts of hideous clothes

I love these things
空中少爺鬧爆惡乘客 跳機劈炮

Civ for iPhone is free today. Awesome.
Civilization Revolution for iPhone



CubeCheater Piratizer



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