
25 new photos

I weep for humanity: "President Obama's speech on the gulf oil disaster Tuesday night was
written at a 10th-grade level, which, according to analysts, may have
gone over the heads of many in his audience"
Language guru: Obama speech too 'professorial' for his target audience

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'I Like Your Comment'

No upgrade version of Office 2010. WTF? Good thing Google Docs is free 🙂

This happened to me today.

Mind. blown.
Surfing oriami gliders using only your hand

finally got a Google Voice invite.

Facebook-flavored VitaminWater. Not sure what's up with the creepy fingerprint.

I don't even know what a quail looks like.

Game Day 2k10 - Album B

Hey MS peeps, Facebook is opening up a new office in Seattle. You should come work here! We have graphs that look like this: instead of this:
Software Engineer (Seattle)

My Microsoft non-solicit contract is now up. Time to do some solicitin'!

Get a few hundred people to each donate $1,000 and then all buy a tropical island to share. Genius.
List of Tropical Islands for Sale

is eating dessert first.

Finally, an answer to Test-Driven Development.
Introducing Developer Driven Development (DDD) | Code Anthem
Development Driven Development (DDD) is a revolutionary new approach to development that focuses on … you guessed it, development! DDD takes a radical approach in an industry filled with tests, metrics, and processes by allowing smart developers to write code. ...

had a bad dream about the 80 character limit

Gradually replacing all my RSS feeds with the corresponding Facebook fan page subscriptions. RSS's days are numbered. One News Feed to rule them all.

I give up
American boy, 13, breaks Everest record
A 13-year-old American became the youngest climber to ever summit Mount Everest on Saturday.

Happy Belated Birthday! Aye!

Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone!


Happy birthday, Eric! (GOTO 10)

Shamelessly copying the program idea from below:
10 PRINT "Happy birthday, Eric!" : REM feel free to change this to match the occasion
20 GOTO 10

Happy birthday! Hope you like it in CA. 🙂

Happy Birthday Eric!



CubeCheater Piratizer



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